Leverage Your IRA Book
Maximize Your Profits With Real Estate (2nd Edition)- Tired of your IRA earning lousy returns in traditional investments?
- Want to unlock the secret to increasing returns that even your investment adviser may not be aware of?
Many people have found great success in investing in real estate over the past few decades but few are aware that you can hold real estate investments within your IRA. Not only can you hold these investments, but you can use the power of leverage through non-recourse loans to substantially increase your returns. With this book, you will learn:
You don't have to take the investments offered by your bank or financial institution - you can choose! Rather than watching your retirement funds inch slowly forward, put that money to work and live the retirement of your dreams!
Read the introduction of the bookFinancial literacy is imperative to achieving prosperity at any stage in life and when it comes to the relatively unknown issue of IRA investments, Matt Allen is one to rely on to gain the clarity you need regarding retirement money.Buy now